Bricscad V21
In BricsCAD V21 Bricsys introduces support for DWG tessellated data, as used in AutoCAD Mechanical. Bricsys also distinguishes itself from Autodesk in its licensing schemes. It offers BricsCAD on either a perpetual license or by subscription, based on customer preference. BricsCAD uses an improved data representation to speed the performance of point cloud display, using half of the disk space versus the point cloud source files. Point clouds in.ptx,.pts,.las and.rcp formats are pre-processed to our.vrm project file format in the background on your computer, letting you continue your work during the caching. Which allows to run e.g. A fully featured Bricscad Demo Version in your preferred license mode. Normally your license mode is given by your license key. If you already have a v21 license, like by having maintenance, you can go to the license manager and change from temporary demo license to your v21 mechanical license.
How do I transfer or move my BricsCAD license to a different computer?
First, we'll have to deactivate BricsCAD
How to Deactivate BricsCAD
Open BricsCAD, create a New Drawing
Then type LICENSEMANAGER on the command bar, press [Enter]
The Bricsys License Manager dialog box should appear. Click on the Manage License button on the top right corner
Bricscad V21 System Requirements
To deactivate your BricsCAD license, click on Deactivate and follow the prompts.
Note: Please make sure you are connected to the internet and your firewall or antivirus is not blocking your internet connection at the time of deactivation.
Deactivate BricsCAD v15 or v14 License
Open BricsCAD, then go under Help > BricsCAD License
Your licensing information should appear in a dialog box.
To deactivate your BricsCAD license, click on Deactivate and follow the prompts.
Note: Please make sure you are connected to the internet and your firewall or antivirus is not blocking your internet connection at the time of deactivation.
Deactivate BricsCAD v13 and earlier License
Lookup the license key file that was sent to you when you bought your BricsCAD license.
If you lost the license file, do the following:
- Launch BricsCAD, then choose License... in the Help menu.
- Press and hold the [Shift] and [Ctrl] keys simultaneously, then click the Modify button on the Licensing Information window.
- Note down the License Key on the License Manager Info window.
Uninstall BricsCAD
Bricscad V21 Crack
Step 2 - Uninstall BricsCAD on the 'old' computer.
Go to the Control Panel, Add or Remove Programs (Windows XP) or Programs > Uninstall a Program (Windows 7 or Windows 8). Then uninstall BricsCAD.
Install BricsCAD on your new computer
Bricscad Release Notes
Run the BricsCAD installer and enter your license key when you are prompted to do so.
Note: For BricsCAD v14, please make sure your computer is connected to the internet at the time of activation and you have successfully deactivated your license previously.